AAA - Genuine Black Mother Of Pearl Slabs

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Exhibition Grade - This grade of pearl by far supersedes all others & is the most difficult pearl to obtain. This grade of pearl will be flawless in every respect, it will have no discoloration, no wormholes, no growth fractures and no undesirable flaws of any sort. The shimmering luster, depth, figure & coloring of this pearl is parallel to none.

AAA Fancy Grade - This is a very high grade of pearl & very similar to the exhibition grade. It will possess a flawless front side. The backside of this grade of pearl will have slight discoloration on the backside at one corner that can easily be removed. Occasionally there will be slight growth fracture that can also be cut around very easily. This grade of pearl too will host a great deal ofshimmering luster, depth, figure & coloring.

A Grade - This is a very high grade of pearl & very similar to A+ grade. Again, this grade of pearl possess a flawless front side. This grade of pearl traditionally will have some slight discoloration & small growth fractures on the backside. These small flaws can easily be avoided. This grade of pearl will also have some shimmering luster, depth, figure & coloring.

Standard Grade - This is an entry-level grade pearl that is predominantly used by novice knife makers. This grade of pearl will traditionally have minor flaws on the face side & growth fractures on the backside & wormholes on the backside.


Compare - AAA Fancy Grade & Exhibition Grade

Compare - Black, White, Gold Mother Of Pearl Color


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AAA - Genuine Black Mother Of Pearl Slabs

AAA - Genuine Black Mother Of Pearl Slabs

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