Secure website and payment:

secure website and payment

Our secure website:

We only use HTTPS (HTTP Secure) for all of content on website. The SSL certificate could verify by your browser. You could see by yourself by click on our website SSL icon on your browser address. Please check this link to learn what is SSL Certificate and HTTPS. Click here

Our secure payment:

We don't keep our customer credit card information on our site. If we don't keep it, who is keeping it? It is PayPal (USA company) and Skrill (United Kingdom company). Here is payment method which we accept to charge:

  • International customer:
    • PayPal
    • Skrill
    • Credit card, debit card (Visa, Master, American)
    • Bank wire (Tele transfer)
  • Vietnamese customer:
    • Credit card, debit card (Visa, Master, American).
    • Bank wire (Tele transfer).
    • Vietcombank tele transfer.